--[[ This file is part of ThothAI. ThothAI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ThothAI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ThothAI. If not, see . ]]-- --[[ CASTERTARGET --targets that cast ONLY offensive spells. targeted by lex divina, and pet will attempt to break any cast they make if possible QUICKENTARGET --quicken skill, cart boost... people to use decagi on CLOAKTARGET RECOVERYTARGET NOSKILLTARGET HIGHFLEETARGET SQUISHTARGET KITETARGET SUPPORTTARGET --targets that use targeted support skills like heal, kaite, soul exchange IGNORETARGET --sommething that should always be ignored MVPTARGET --mvp... BOSSTARGET ]]-- Dt={} --ActorData[0]={TARGET_ALLIANCE,TARGET_TYPE,TARGET_LMOTION,TARGET_LASTX,TARGET_LASTY,TARGET_STATUS,TARGET_TIMER} ----------------------------------------------Players --when presetting values for players, only the first two numbers matter, but the other fields MUST have values even if 0 --player ActorIDs are 7 digit and shared by all chars on the same account. monster ActorIDs are larger. portals also have ActorIDs. --presetting behavior for a monster's specific ActorID is worthless as these values change constantly. --Dt[2092671]={500,DLPTARGET,0,0,0,0,0} -- dlptarget means it will normal atk only in order to break animation delays --Dt[2001689]={1,1,0,0,0,0,0} -- the 1,1 in front are the const.lua values for the IGNORE alliance and IGNORETARGET type. ---------------------------------------------- Preset={} ----------------------------------------------player classes. NEVER change classes with cast time buffs on ally to another type! --changing whitesmiths can also cause problems if they use weapon repair. --if you want to make a squishy support type higher priority, set it as SUPPORT2TARGET --adding two dashes (like in front of this one) ignored by the AI. -- Preset[NOVICE]=IGNORETARGET Preset[NINJA]=CASTERTARGET Preset[WIZARD]=CASTERTARGET Preset[HIGH_WIZARD]=CASTERTARGET Preset[CREATOR]=CASTERTARGET Preset[WHITESMITH]=QUICKEN2TARGET Preset[LORD_KNIGHT]=QUICKENTARGET Preset[HIGH_PRIEST]=SUPPORTTARGET --regular support type setting Preset[PRIEST]=SUPPORT2TARGET --kills at a higher priority than high priests! Preset[SOUL_LINKER]=SUPPORT2TARGET --often uses bg set Preset[PALADIN]=SUPPORTTARGET Preset[PROFESSOR]=SUPPORT2TARGET --often bg set or bolter Preset[CHAMPION]=SUPPORT3TARGET --they must be support because of agi up. Preset[ASSASSIN_CROSS]=PRIORITYTARGET Preset[SNIPER]=PRIORITYTARGET Preset[CLOWN]=PRIORITYTARGET Preset[GUNSLINGER]=SQUISHTARGET Preset[STALKER]=LOWPRIORITYTARGET Preset[GYPSY]=PRIORITYTARGET Preset[ASSASSIN_CROSS]=EMPBREAKTARGET --SBR44 targets. ----------------------------------------------mercenary and homun --Preset[MARCHER07]=IGNORETARGET --Preset[MLANCER08]=IGNORETARGET --Preset[AMISTR2]=IGNORETARGET --Preset[MSWORDMAN07]=IGNORETARGET ----------------------------------------------monsters --presets behavior based on the monster or player class. Homunculus only, mercenaries cannot detect this value. Preset[1078]=NOSKILLTARGET --red plant Preset[1079]=NOSKILLTARGET --blue plant Preset[1080]=NOSKILLTARGET --green plant Preset[1081]=NOSKILLTARGET --yellow plant Preset[1082]=NOSKILLTARGET --white plant Preset[1083]=NOSKILLTARGET --shiny plant Preset[1084]=NOSKILLTARGET --black mushroom Preset[1085]=NOSKILLTARGET --red mushroom Preset[1057]=90 --little monkeys get priority over choco? Preset[1214]=PASSIVETARGET -- choco. kill little monkeys first Preset[1127]=PASSIVETARGET -- hodes... they suck Preset[1002]=NOSKILLTARGET --poring --Preset[1880]=PASSIVETARGET -- wood goblin. don't attack unless it aggros you Preset[1146]=SQUISHTARGET -- matyr. easier to kill, take it out first Preset[1367]=PRIORITYTARGET -- blazer, lava golem slave Preset[1246]=PRIORITYTARGET -- christmas cookie Preset[1620]=PRIORITYTARGET -- noxious Preset[1144]=PRIORITYTARGET -- marse Preset[1045]=PRIORITYTARGET -- marc Preset[1129]=PRIORITYTARGET -- horong Preset[1772]=PRIORITYTARGET -- isilla Preset[1904]=KITETARGET -- bomb poring Preset[1989]=TANKKITETARGET -- hillslion Preset[1092]=PRIORITYTARGET -- vagabond wolf Preset[1277]=PRIORITYTARGET -- greatest general --Preset[1023]=101 --use exactly 1 atkskill on orc warrior --Preset[1018]=IGNORETARGET --creamy --Preset[1029]=103 -- use exactly 3 atkskills on isis --Preset[1735]=107 -- use exactly 7 atkskills on alicel --Preset[1773]=TANKKITETARGET -- hodremlin ----------------------------------------------plant summons + woe Preset[1590]=SUMMONTARGET --geographer Preset[1555]=SUMMONTARGET --parasite Preset[1575]=SUMMONTARGET --flora Preset[1579]=SUMMONTARGET --hydra Preset[1589]=SUMMONTARGET --mandragora Preset[1142]=TANKTARGET --marine sphere. hit once only. in biblian you might want to comment this out... Preset[1914]=NOSKILLTARGET --blue bg crystal Preset[1915]=NOSKILLTARGET --red bg crystal Preset[1909]=NOSKILLTARGET --food storage Preset[1288]=NOSKILLTARGET --emperium Preset[1911]=IGNORETARGET --stupid flag Preset[1912]=IGNORETARGET --another stupid flag Preset[1913]=IGNORETARGET --yet another stupid flag...! Preset[1905]=LOWESTPRIORITYTARGET --barricades Preset[1949]=LOWESTPRIORITYTARGET --bgswordguardian Preset[1950]=LOWESTPRIORITYTARGET --bgbowguardian ----------------------------------------------MVPS. add more and change if needed. Preset[1785]=MVPTARGET -- Atroce Preset[1630]=MVPTARGET -- Bacsojin Preset[1039]=MVPTARGET -- Baphomet Preset[2068]=MVPTARGET -- Boitata Preset[1046]=MVPTARGET -- Doppelganger --Preset[1389]=MVPTARGET -- Dracula Preset[1115]=MVPTARGET -- Eddga Preset[1418]=MVPTARGET -- Evil Snake Lord Preset[1871]=MVPTARGET -- Fallen Bishop Preset[1252]=MVPTARGET -- Garm Preset[1768]=MVPTARGET -- Gloom Under Night Preset[1086]=MVPTARGET -- Golden Thief Bug Preset[1885]=MVPTARGET -- Gopinich Preset[1832]=MVPTARGET -- Ifrit Preset[1492]=MVPTARGET -- Incantation Samurai Preset[1734]=MVPTARGET -- Kiel D-01 Preset[1251]=MVPTARGET -- Stormy Knight Preset[1779]=MVPTARGET -- Ktullanux Preset[1373]=MVPTARGET -- Lord of the Dead Preset[1150]=MVPTARGET -- Moonlight Flower Preset[2022]=MVPTARGET -- Nidhoggyrs shadow. Preset[1087]=MVPTARGET -- Orc Hero Preset[1190]=MVPTARGET -- Eddga Preset[1038]=MVPTARGET -- Osiris Preset[1157]=MVPTARGET -- Pharaoh Preset[1159]=MVPTARGET -- Phreeoni Preset[2089]=MVPTARGET -- Queen Scaraba Preset[1623]=MVPTARGET -- RSX Preset[1583]=MVPTARGET -- Tao Gunka Preset[1312]=MVPTARGET -- Turtle General Preset[1751]=MVPTARGET -- Valk Randgris Preset[1685]=MVPTARGET -- Vesper Preset[1917]=MVPTARGET -- Wounded Morroc Preset[1658]=MVPTARGET -- General Enigem Cenia Preset[1646]=MVPTARGET -- Lord Knight Seyren Preset[1647]=MVPTARGET -- Assassin Cross Eremes Preset[1648]=MVPTARGET -- Whitesmith Harword Preset[1649]=MVPTARGET -- High Priest Magaleta Preset[1650]=MVPTARGET -- Sniper Shecil Preset[1651]=MVPTARGET -- High Wizard Katrinn Preset[1059]=MVPTARGET -- Mistress Preset[1147]=MVPTARGET -- Maya Preset[1289]=MVPTARGET -- Maya Purple Preset[1388]=MVPTARGET -- Arc Angeling Preset[1096]=MVPTARGET -- Angeling Preset[1582]=MVPTARGET -- Deviling Preset[1120]=MVPTARGET -- Ghostring Preset[1204]=MVPTARGET -- ogretooth